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What is Pacemaker and How it Works ?

The heart has a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial node. This fires electrical impulses which regulate our heartbeat. Certain conditions cause this natural pace maker to malfunction though, which is where artificial pacemakers come into play.
There are several types of artificial pacemaker, each suited to certain conditions. For irregular or very slow heartbeats, a permanent pacing device will send out an impulse to control every single beat. For those who have occasional problems, meanwhile, a responsive pacemaker will take over only when it detects irregular cardiac rhythms.

The power supply for artificial pacemakers needs to be long lasting and reliable. The most commonly type is lithium battery, which has been proven to last for almost ten years. At this stage they won't suddenly cut out, as specialist equipment can detect those low on power in plenty of time. They can then swapped out for a new on in second minor procedure
5 Science facts Science Experiments Silly Thoughts: What is Pacemaker and How it Works ? The heart has a natural pacemaker called the sinoatrial node. This fires electrical impulses which regulate our heartbeat. Certain condition...

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