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Gun Silencers suppress the noise that a weapon makes by slowing the release of expelled gases generated  by  a cartridge post-shot,a process that involves reducing gas pressure.
This is achieved with with a series of sound restraining baffles within the suppressors long ,cylindrical casing which is fitted end of gun barrel.the baffles are located down the barrel's  interior and are angled at 90 degrees to one another at even intervals.
Behind the baffles,at the base of Silencer's casing.is an expansion zone.this allows expelled gases to increase in volume  before coming into contact with baffles.Over the length of cylinder, this diverts and slows the gases emerging behind the fired round.Typically  applying a silencer to weapon will drastically reduce gas pressure from around 211 kg-force per sq centimeter  to below 7 kg-force per sq.the center casing is clear to pass the bullet freely.
5 Science facts Science Experiments Silly Thoughts: How-Silencers-Muffle-Sound? Gun Silencers suppress the noise that a weapon makes by slowing the release of expelled gases generated  by  a cartridge post-shot,a proc...

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